

  • 2021


Choreography by Volmir Cordeiro based on a proposal by Lia Rodrigues.

Outrar is a 30-minute solo for open-air arenas.
Outrar is a choreographic response of clothes, colors, pain and joy to a letter-soundtrack received from Lia Rodrigues.

Coined by Fernando Pessoa, a writer of many masks and heteronyms, Outrar is a neologism meaning “to become other”. This word gives its title to an invitation from Lia Rodrigues, conceived as a letter addressed in 2021 to her dancers and to Volmir Cordeiro, at a time when the world was living in confinement and isolation. Volmir's spirited response is a solo that becomes a bridge between continents, a missive from Brazil to Brazilians in Europe.

In this piece, otherness unfolds beneath every layer of clothing, revealing a debauchery of faces, colors, pain and joy in the making. Outrar embodies the ambivalence of a powerful constrained desire, which only the imaginary can liberate. It expresses an insatiable impulse towards elsewhere, one that makes you feel festive and nostalgic. Dance becomes an array of gestures, an offering to metamorphosis. In encountering others and their vitality, against all odds, cultivate laughter, innocence, playfulness and joy. Let your clown, your mermaid, your inner character rise to the surface from troubled depths, to reinvest the common space and charge it with contagious emancipatory energy.

Outrar transcends borders and fixities to become a sensitive communication between bodies, sounds and gestures. It's a celebration of otherness, a vibrant call to make oneself other in order to better connect with humanity.


LA ROCHELLE, France. 8 June 25. 1km de danse.
PARIS, France. 3,4, 5 April 25. La Ménagerie de Verre, Festival Les Inaccoutumés.
MONTPELLIER, France. 27 March 25. Centre Chorégraphique National.
LAGOS, Portugal. 9 November 24. Festival Pedra Dura
LILLE, France. 12 October 24. Lam Musée.
PARIS, France. 01 Jun 24. La Cesure, Nuit Blanche.
PARIS, France. 02 March 24. Musée Quai Branly.
VALENCIA, Spain. 22 October 23. Festival Mutant 23.
TENERIFE, Spain. 1 July 23. Espacio de las artes de Tenerife.
COMBOURG, France. 17 Juin 23. Festival Extension Sauvage.
PANTIN, France. 27 May 23. 1km de Danse, Centre National de la Danse.
GENTILLY, France. 29 March 23. Biennale de la danse du Mal de Varne, Le Générateur.
BORDEAUX, France. 28 January 23 . Festival Trente-Trente.
VAL D'OISE, France. 12 November 22. Fondation Royaumont.
CHATEAU-THIERRY, France. 8 October 22. Nuit de la danse. L'Échangeur. (2x)
PAU, France. 1 and 2 Ocotober 22. Espaces Pluriels.
VALENCIENNES, France. 21 September 22. Espace Pasolini.
TOULON, France.17 September 22. Festival Constellations.
VILLAMALEA, Spain. 30 July 22. Festival Paisaje.
AIX-EN-PROVENCE, France. 2 July 22. Fondation Vasarély. (Avec Festival Parllèle).
MAINZ, Allemagne. 18 May. Tanskongress 2022.(2x)
AUBERVILLIERS, France. 26 March 22. La Station Gare des Mines.
NANCY, France. 22 March 2021. Les Ballets de Lorraine.
VITRY-SUR-SEINE,France. 25 September 2021. Musée MACVAL, festival Excentriques.
VITRY-SUR-SEINE,France. 3 and 10 July 2021. La Briqueterie (CDCN). France
BRUXELLES,Belgium 20-25 mai 2021. Kunstenfestivaldesarts. (Première)

Coreography, interpretation, costumes
Volmir Cordeiro
Bruno Pace
Project Conception
Lia Rodrigues in collaboration with
Amalia Lima, Leonardo Nunes, Carolina Repetto, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey Silva, Larissa Lima, Ricardo Xavier
Original soundtrack created and performed by
Zeca Assumpção, Henk Zwart, Mendel, Grupo Cadeira (Inês Assumpção, Jorge Potyguara, Miguel Bevilacqua, Henrique Rabello) and parts of the CD 'Authentic South America 5 , The Amazon'
Editing and mixing
Alexandre Seabra
Werner Strouven


Laurent Goumarre, Libération, 26/02/24 https://www.liberation.fr/forums/volmir-cordeiro-la-danse-qui-deborde-20240225_AN5OTXJSMBFHNE3YLQPJFZ5X6A/?fbclid=IwAR3bCQLuoF1t-Q-_VaRT5bejaEeuHv0HcivGHBGuxasDBA-qWS1SccVOKmA

Ninon Boyer, Happen Bordeaux,  2023 https://www.happen.fr/outrar-un-mirage-outrageusement-jubilatoire/

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