The eye the mouth and the rest (transmission)
The eye the mouth and the rest is a piece created in 2017 at Le Quartz, in Brest. At the time of its creation, it had as initial motivations the following questions: How do I look? How do we look at each other. How do we look together in a theatrical space? In this place of exposure which is the scenic phenomenon, all the stake remains in the fact of subjecting something to the gaze, to show. I would like to propose to artists of Catalyse the experience of watching themselves being watched, observed, contemplated, close and distanced from the presence of the public. From some situations of exhibitions, this piece proposes scenes which put certain parts of the body to dance, to fragment, to push their functions and their functions and their forms. Without artifice and vulnerable to the gaze of the other, these dances require attention from the audience. Here, no one escapes the gaze. We are united by the gaze and by gestures which exceed the limits of the body to make a place to the grotesque, to the sensitive, to the infinitesimal. From the gaze to the mouth, abysses emerge to frighten and celebrate.
Volmir Cordeiro
"I've always felt that the actors in Catalyse are deeply dancers". Outside of all dance techniques, they incite us to something new. Between the flesh of the human body and the flesh of the world, they try to name what has no name yet. Vignette(s) is to inscribe the notion of the Vulnerable in the Transmission. This project invites 3 choreographers to share this intuition, this conviction by transmitting to the actors of Catalyse Compagny, with great care and availability, a fragment of their repertoire that they will have to adapt to the the singularity of these physically and mentally handicapped artists. By this gesture, entrust these artists to be the living memory of a part of the dance repertoire. I am the guarantor of the nature of the transmission which will have to agree with the other fragments to make a while being independent of each other. A very simple scenography is common to the different fragments. The original musical universe of the transmitted works is recorded, with some exceptions. Three choreographers are invited to share this project.
Bernardo Montet
BREST, France. 27-28 February 2025. Le Quartz, Brest, France.
VITRY-SUR-SEINE, France. 20 January 2024. CDCN - La Briqueterie and Festival Faits d'Hiver.
RENNES, France.15 to 17 November 2023. Théâtre National de Bretagne.
TREMBLAY-EN-FRANCE, 19 November 2022. Théâtre Louis Aragon.
MORLAIX, France.12 and 13 July 2022. Centre National de la Création Adaptée (CNCA). Première.
Conception Vignette(s)
Bernardo Montet (Companhia Mawguerite)
Volmir Cordeiro
Troupe Catalyse
Tristan Cantin, Manon Carpentier, Guillaume Drouadaine, Christelle Podeur, Jean-Claude Pouliquen, Sylvain Robic, Emilio Le Tareau.
Assistant for The eye the mouth and the rest
Marcela Santander Corvalán
Sound Design
Cristian Sotomayor
Pedagogical couch for troupe Catalyse
Erwanna Prigent e Julien Ronel
Cie Mawguerite ; CNCA à Morlaix ; Théâtre National de Bretagne – Rennes ; Théâtre Louis Aragon – Scène conventionnée d’intérêt national Art et création – danse – Tremblay-en-France. Avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Bretagne aide au projet danse et du Conseil départemental du Finistère.
L'oeil d'Olivier, 2023. https://www.loeildolivier.fr/2023/11/au-festival-du-tnb-le-handicap-en-jeu-et-en-danses/
Le télégramme, 2022. https://www.letelegramme.fr/finistere/morlaix/a-morlaix-les-acteurs-danseurs-de-catalyse-impressionnent-15-07-2022-13112573.php